Stephen Garrett
Stephen Garrett has experienced success in life as a teacher, an investment banker, a social worker, and author. He holds a Master's Degree in leadership and training from Royal Road University. Arising out of his personal experience’s of hospital deaths Stephen’s heart’s passion and life energy is focused on changing the conversation we have about death.
Choose Stephen As A Mentor And Set Up A Time
Connie Jorsvik
Connie Jorsvik was an RN in medical, surgical and high-risk maternity and cardiac critical care for 25 years. She has been at the bedside of over 100 patients as they were actively dying. Her passion and purpose is helping every person achieve purposeful end-of-life planning.
Olga Nikolajev
Olga Nikolajev is a death educator, certified in Thanatology, the study of death, dying, loss and bereavement. What makes Olga a great mentor is her ability to recognize that we all posses our own inner wisdom when it comes to death, dying, loss and bereavement.
Meina J. Dubetz
Meina J. Dubetz is a Registered Nurse who has worked with Oncology and Palliative patients for over thirty years.
She enjoys a balanced life where she continues to nurse on a casual basis as well as practices Hypnotherapy and Reiki in her private practice.
Yvonne Heath
Yvonne Heath is a wife, mother to 3 amazing children and nurse since 1988. She has worked in different hospitals in Ontario, New York, Louisiana and Texas. She is devoted to helping people learn to live well and die well, and to create compassionate communities.