Connie Jorsvik was an RN in medical, surgical and high-risk maternity and cardiac critical care for 25 years. She has been at the bedside of over 100 patients as they were actively dying - some deaths wonderful and joyful, many that could have been better, and some that were very difficult for patients, families, and healthcare workers.
Connie has her Advanced Care Planning (ACP) certificate from the Fraser Health Authority and applies her skills as a United Way sponsored Representative Agreement volunteer for the West End Seniors Network under the guidance of Bell Alliance Law (specialists in Estate Planning).
She is a volunteer with Paul Sugar Palliative Support Foundation. Connie is an independent professional healthcare navigator and patient advocate for her business, Patient Pathways, specializing in supporting patients and families with complex disease in receiving the healthcare they need and deserve. Her passion and purpose is helping every person achieve purposeful end-of-life planning so they can get on with living.